Well, this is pretty much my inspiration board these days...
I've mentioned before that I am heavily influenced by what lies outside my front door. I live in the middle of a wondrous forest, and I love it. I love watching the changing of the seasons - I am in awe of the beauty that surrounds me. The colours that nature provides us with are limitless, and the juxtapostions that occur are inspiring beyond belief.
Back in my college days sketchbooks were an absolute must, and I diligently filled mine in...often with pen and ink drawings of flowers or vegetables, and the odd sketch of someone sitting in an armchair thrown in for good measure. Journals - or scrapbooks - were also kept, crammed full of images torn from magazines, postcards and packaging snippets pasted in until the covers would almost burst.
Nowadays, I rarely sketch. I should; I would like to draw again...but it has been a long time! I sketch now simply to work out a template for a piece that I am working on, to refine the pattern before I progress to snipping fabrics. Instead, my sketchbook and journal has been replaced by my camera. What would I do without it? In an instant, I have a record of intricate details, colour combinations and textures. I know I should sit and draw the sepals and stamens that fascinate me so much, but I thoroughly enjoy taking photographs - it feels like a huge reward to sit back and scroll through the images that I have snapped. This way, details are crystal clear and the colours pop...how could I not be inspired?!
Now that you have kindly read about my inspiration 'folder', do please pop in on my fellow merry-go-rounders (click on the links in the sidebar) - they are sharing theirs with us too, although at differing times...many of us are in different time zones!